Saturday, September 15, 2012

Still not easy to be me!

So lots of new and exciting things have happened since last i posted. Got engaged at the botanical gardens, moved into a new home, my honey bought for us and I'm having a baby.... OK that last one is not true. So of course in the usual Dora fashion i have lost my ring countless times and then found it again every time :) George and i have to start planning this wedding if we want to be married a year from now, but of course I am the queen of procrastination so i don't foresee that happening soon, the wedding planning that is. Last but not least we are living in a pretty empty house in need of a dining room set and a real sofa instead of the futon we have now. So life is hard, just being Dora and add all this stuff on top of it and things get harder. Today my honey and I went to Home goods and i saw a couch which i decided need to be tested as it looked pretty comfy. Big mistake1 I stepped on to the pallet thingy (you would think that would have tipped me of not to sit on it) and sat down only to find that the couch was moving under me. I almost died, not really... unless embarrassment kills. But i was pretty scared and decided not to sit on anymore couches at that particular store. Why would they put couches there that I could not test/sit on? Those silly people. Life is hard when the couch you want to sit on just decides to move on its own...