Thursday, October 6, 2011

Life without cable sucks!

So my landlord lost his job and cant pay my cable anymore! My boyfriend freaked out, he was sad, confused, angry, he went through denial, basically it was the end of the world for him. I on the other hand stayed calm and said, its ok i don't really watch cable anyway. Today, 4 days later i rue the day i ever said it was ok to not have cable. As i sit here trying to find something to watch on basic channels i am very sad. I cant sit here and watch an svu marathon, or say yes to the dress, or even wgn because my tv is not picking it up! I tried watching the novelas, but i can only watch so much bad acting and big boobies. What oh what will i do? I will have to sit on the couch and stare at the wall for the rest of the day, I could go outside, it is beautiful and warm today, but alas i am sick and fear that going out into civilization will cause a huge and devastating catastrophe once i infect people with my common cold. Thanks a lot, matt damon and contagion! What to do? what to do? Well I guess i could do those other things i have to do, clean the house, laundry, wash the dishes.... Wait whats that on the wall? and should i grab my phone and get the Nuwave oven???? Decisions, decisions.... its hard to be me!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

things ive learned in the past month!

      So this past month has been a reflection time for me, not only am i an a-hole blogger, i am also an a-hole friend. I thought i would actually take time to write in this blog but then i got tired and I was just to lazy to write. Which brings me to my nxt point, it seems im kinda of an a-hole friend, i dont call or txt people or facebook them.... so now i will change my ways and begin to write and begin to care about my "friends". lol

     On a side note today I seem to not be able to find my favorite belt, which sucks, i also misplaced my black marker. I kind of feel like if i find my black marker it will somehow lead me to finding my belt. But not the other way around. Hopefully i find both of these things cause i really need my belt to hold up my pants, and my marker to write random crap on my mirrors at home.

Its not easy being me....

Friday, August 5, 2011

The weekend is here

So my weekend is here and boy am i glad that the "work week" is over, cause working gets in the way of my lounging time and it makes me a little bit of a hostile person. For example when i have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning and look over at my boyfriends angelic face and see how peaceful he looks it just makes me want to slap him and wipe that dreamy smile of his face. How dare he sleep till he feels like getting up?  Grrrr... Anyway more hostility appears at night when I am Of course exhausted and i have to wrestle with a blanket that wont work correctly, or a room that is too hot, or I'm thirsty, and basically I'm just tired that's when things turn terrible and tantrum Dora comes out to play. She whines, she kicks, she cries, and then she goes to sleep. See work just makes things worse. I could be a perfectly normal sweet girl all the time if only it weren't for work, I tell ya it ain't easy being me...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Starting a blog

So today I decided I would start a blog, about my boring, but sometimes funny life. It was a great idea but I didn't know how hard it would just pick out a name for the blog. As you may have noticed my name is Dora, and yes I know the theme song to Dora the Explorer, I've had plenty of adults sing it to me. Sometimes I feel like the "creators" of Dora stole my life, not because ppl now laugh at my name when I am waiting for my order at Panera, or because adults like to say to their children, "look its Dora, she's the real Dora". But because sometimes it feels like they really did steal my life. I have a picture of me in the fourth grade and I look exactly like Dora, or rather she looks like I looked then. We are both Hispanic, she hangs out with a cow named Benny and a lizard named Isa. C'mon they totally copied my life, my mom's name is Beni, though she's not a cow, and my brothers name is Isa, as if this weren't enough I loooved monkeys when I was younger, monkeys like boots! And I also occasionally teach Spanish to children. They totally ripped off my life... Anyway trying to pick out a name for the blog brought on these thoughts about Dora the explorer. That Muppet thinks its not easy being green, well ill tell you something it ain't easy being Dora!