Monday, May 14, 2012

Message to facebook users!

Have you ever been on facebook and seen someone send out a message such as: I want to wish a happy birthday to my wonderful mother!, at first you think, aww how nice this person decided to dedicate their very important status update to their mother, next thought: I wonder what this persons mother replied.... next thought: does this persons mother even have a facebook? and final thought: People are so dumb! If they want to wish their mother a happy birthday perhaps they should go say it to their faces instead of to the facebook world who has no power to convey this, albeit sweet, but moronic message to their mother!!!! Reading these facebook updates just grinds my gears. Its like these people are trying to just draw attention to themselves and not really wishing their loved ones a happy anything. Sometimes i think people just need to stop using facebook and start communicating with people face to face. Don't get me wrong, I am a total facebook whore but i think you have to draw the line when you are speaking to someone on facebook who is not on facebook. I'm sorry y'all but the facebook gods will not relay your nice message to your mother, who by the way is probably sitting across from you with no clue that you are wishing her a happy birthday! It ain't easy being Dora, reading your stupid facebook updates to no one in particular!!!

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