Saturday, September 15, 2012

Still not easy to be me!

So lots of new and exciting things have happened since last i posted. Got engaged at the botanical gardens, moved into a new home, my honey bought for us and I'm having a baby.... OK that last one is not true. So of course in the usual Dora fashion i have lost my ring countless times and then found it again every time :) George and i have to start planning this wedding if we want to be married a year from now, but of course I am the queen of procrastination so i don't foresee that happening soon, the wedding planning that is. Last but not least we are living in a pretty empty house in need of a dining room set and a real sofa instead of the futon we have now. So life is hard, just being Dora and add all this stuff on top of it and things get harder. Today my honey and I went to Home goods and i saw a couch which i decided need to be tested as it looked pretty comfy. Big mistake1 I stepped on to the pallet thingy (you would think that would have tipped me of not to sit on it) and sat down only to find that the couch was moving under me. I almost died, not really... unless embarrassment kills. But i was pretty scared and decided not to sit on anymore couches at that particular store. Why would they put couches there that I could not test/sit on? Those silly people. Life is hard when the couch you want to sit on just decides to move on its own...

Friday, May 25, 2012

memorial day weekend

Memorial day weekend is here. A week ago I rejoiced in the fact that I had a four day weekend, today however I lie in bed with a box of tissues and vaporub..... That's right my four day weekend has been ruined by a cold. B.C (before the cold), I was hopeful for this weekend, I pondered what I would do. Perhaps go to the pool, the beach, the park, anywhere but home. Now I am hoping that my cold will go away and I can enjoy at least a part of this weekend :( As I lay here in bed cuddled up to my new honey (the tissues), I laugh at the ironies in life. You can plan all you want, but in the end life has its own plans for you, and life is way better at planning than you are. Enjoy your weekend! As always, its not easy being Dora. Especially when Dora has a cold..... ;)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Message to facebook users!

Have you ever been on facebook and seen someone send out a message such as: I want to wish a happy birthday to my wonderful mother!, at first you think, aww how nice this person decided to dedicate their very important status update to their mother, next thought: I wonder what this persons mother replied.... next thought: does this persons mother even have a facebook? and final thought: People are so dumb! If they want to wish their mother a happy birthday perhaps they should go say it to their faces instead of to the facebook world who has no power to convey this, albeit sweet, but moronic message to their mother!!!! Reading these facebook updates just grinds my gears. Its like these people are trying to just draw attention to themselves and not really wishing their loved ones a happy anything. Sometimes i think people just need to stop using facebook and start communicating with people face to face. Don't get me wrong, I am a total facebook whore but i think you have to draw the line when you are speaking to someone on facebook who is not on facebook. I'm sorry y'all but the facebook gods will not relay your nice message to your mother, who by the way is probably sitting across from you with no clue that you are wishing her a happy birthday! It ain't easy being Dora, reading your stupid facebook updates to no one in particular!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pagan chocolate bunnies

Easter was here last weekend. Since I’ve never really celebrated Easter I was unsure as to how the Easter bunny works. I texted my brother Easter morning to ask him if the bunny left my basket at his home. His answer was no, waa waa. I asked George (my lovah) if he was going to his moms to pick up my basket… his answer was no! I went over to my parents house and asked if the damn bunny had dropped my basket off there… their reply was no.  What the hell? Where was my basket? After much thought on this subject I decided to ask George where this “Easter bunny” came from. He did not know, after thinking about how an Easter bunny has nothing to do with Jesus or his resurrection I came to the conclusion that the Easter bunny must be some sort of pagan kind of tradition…. So I’ve got to buy my own solid chocolate covered bunny… the day after Easter!!!! I went to target got my bunny at 50% off and ate him up!!!! Mmmmm… so that’s what Easter tastes like, except of course better because of the 50% off. Anyway this whole bunny ordeal has me thinking a lot about whether people should really be celebrating about a bunny, or teaching their kids about the real meaning of Easter. Sigh…. I’ll be getting chocolate wasted over this matter for a while…. It’s not easy being a solid chocolate bunny lovah.
I've no idea how he got this way...

What!? I was just whispering sweet nothings into his ear... 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Yummy in my Tummy

This past weekend was my 4 yr anniversary, with my boyfriend (where's my ring!?), and we decided to try the restaurant Fogo de Chao. At first I was skeptical, considering it costs $50/per person not including drinks. Thoughts in my head included but not limited to: couldn't you just buy me a ring for this price (+ a few more hundred $$), we could buy a ton of groceries with this money and eat for like a whole week, and also do I really want you to pay $100 to have some pretentious waiters try to rush us through our dinner? In the end we decided to try it and I was very glad to do so. Not only were the waiters unpretentious but the food was really yummy. It was very surprising to me that i would enjoy so much meat.( Forgot to mention this restaurant is a Brazilian steak house where they feed you meat till you get a heart attack) Usually I eat very little meat, but was very surprised at how elated I was every time one of those waiters passed by with a new spear of meat! When we were all done they offered us dessert, which we said ok to cause frankly once you've eaten that much a little more cant possibly hurt. As it turns out, we got our dessert for free cause it was our anniversary!!! So with our tummies full, and our hearts happy we merrily rode off into the highway and on to our happy home. This was one time it was easy being Dora, except it wasn't so  easy to waddle over to the car.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Confessions of a bad mexican food junkie.

So you might not know this about me but I am Mexican, and I have a confession that might get my Mexican card revoked and replaced by a Mexican't card!!! Ok so here it is: I love Chipotle.... Its shaming, embarrassing but true, I love the delicious burrito bowl. I know its not real Mexican food but I love it. I am ashamed to admit to my family that I frequent Chipotle, and every time I go there I feel like a secret agent ducking under my coat, wearing my sunglasses, and murmuring to the people behind the counter "chicken burrito bowl", while they in turn look at me with their knowing eyes calling me "traitor", its all worth it when I take a bite of that delicious mixture of cheese (is it mozzarella?), sour cream (surely not Mexican), and hot salsa, (pfft "hot"), lettuce, cilantro rice (? what the crap?? as a Mexican for all of 26 yrs. I've never had this so called Mexican rice), and pinto beans. You know i heard one time that if you want to know if an ethnic food place is good you should look at the people who go in there, for example if a Chinese person goes into a Chinese restaurant surely it must be good, because a Chinese person would not willingly eat bad Chinese food. Well folks I am here to tell you this theory is not true, I am Mexican, and I willingly go into Chipotle knowing it is bad Mexican food.... and I still love it. Don't trust my judgement or anyone elses for that matter. Trust only yourself ;) It sure is hard being Dora, the Mexican who eats at Chipotle... mmmm

Monday, March 19, 2012

Summer In the winter

So the past few days have been pretty hot over here in Chicago. While many Chicagoans love the warm weather, this (pointing to self) chick, does not. Not only do I not like 80 degree weather because it makes me sweat like crazy... ewww... but I do not like it because I know that it is probably an effect of global warming. I keep hearing people talking about all the great weather, and all I can think is: you stupid people! Don't you realize global warming is killing us, and further more killing our planet. A few  months ago I read about polar bears and how because of global warming they have less time to fish for food and as an effect they are wandering into towns looking for food. This is deeply saddening to me, especially because this may cause the polar bears to become extinct. Sigh.... while the rest of Chicago celebrates the warm weather I will be mourning the loss of winter and the imminent extinction of our wildlife and eventually of the human race. It ain't easy being Dora, but it sure as hell ain't easy being a polar bear, or any of the other animals...